The right frameworks for your business.

Law of the Levers

How to make meaningful change in your organization without causing chaos and confusion? How can you quickly diagnose the areas of your business that need to be addressed?

Change in business is inevitable. Choosing to “pull the lever of change” and understanding the organization-wide affects of that change can help you navigate your business to success.


Your team needs to be on the same page. But how do build momentum when everyone is on a different page. The DISC Assessment brings clarity around how your team members process information and teaches your team how to best utilize each others strengths. Once you understand your team, utilize the DISC framework to discover how you interacting with your customers in different ways can lead to amazing opportunities.

Learn more about the framework >

Learn more about the framework >

The right framework can help bring all areas of your business into alignment.
GCB develops meaningful frameworks, as well as utilizes other industry-leading frameworks to help you make sense of the work that needs to be done,